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Haven’t You Heard?

Oh how we all laughed. This Clan Eshin Death Runner was dragged into the pits and it had barely woken up before it was having to fight for its wretched life. The arena stank of rat musk! Good fight, though. The rat went several rounds with the pit fighter before it got a lucky strike and was able to stagger away with the fight purse. Something tells me we won’t see it anywhere near the melee meat grinder for some time!

One lad from the new war bands who has made an impression, though, was one of those damn fanatic Witch Hunters called Luthor Schwarzmaan. A new band of Middenheimers took them on and he went through them like a Tilean in a brothel. Then, get this, a horde of the walking dead was shambling towards them. Their leader set loose the largest Dire Wolf you’ve ever seen; the Witch Hunter suddenly saw his life flash before his eyes but he pulled out a brace of pistols and blind fired for all he was worth. Killed the Dire Wolf outright!

Speaking of which, this new undead warband is a worry. We all thought we could sleep soundly after Wilhelm Krieger drove his hammer into the skull of the vampire who was holed up under the Temple of Morr. *If* this new undead rabble is led by another blood sucker, Sigmar help us all. They’ve got one of those repulsive necromancers with them casting his spells so hopefully he’s the ring leader — all we can do is pray.

Oh yes, as I was saying, some more Middenheimers have come down too. Big hammers, small brains. Not that I’d say that to them face to face. I know every war band which arrives here are cutthroat mercenaries without a shred of morality, but we hear their leader actually wants to try and clean up Mordheim. I’m not holding my breath. If I had a gold crown for every time a war band arrived wanted to bring order to Mordheim I’d be drinking the finest Bordeleaux red and not this swill. Which reminds me, bar man! Dying of thirst here.

Pieter Strausss — patron of the Mordheim tavern, the Knife and Anchor.

A scene in the tavern Brockensbod More: Original public domain image from Statens Museum for Kunst